Thursday, December 24, 2009

Healthcare Bill/Bah humbug

The Senate fudged up 60 votes with a couple of independants going in
on the deal,wonder what they got in return.

Now they have to merge the bill that is in congress and the one that
is in the senate together for signing.

How are WE going to Pay for this monstrosity?

I am personally working very short hours due to lack of work.
20 people employed where I work,18 of the 20 laid off.

I am thinking there might be a lot of work coming up due to the people
like me, or who are drawing unemployment, won't be able to pay for this bill or the
fine for not accepting this insurance.
They will not have enough jail space for all of us.
So we will have to build more jails.

Senators must not care if we eat or have a roof over our head,but by
George we are going to have healthcare no matter who suffers.

I do not want you or anyone else to pay for my flipping insurance,
and I want to have all the choices I have always had.
Someone or something telling me what I can or can not have, just
pushes me in the opposite direction.

I am gonna quit now , cause I am through being nice.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Published on on December 1, 2009
Printer-Friendly Version
The Obama healthcare initiative will be the biggest unfunded federal mandate on the states in history. It will force dozens of states, particularly in the South, to abandon their low-tax ways and to move toward dramatically higher rates of taxation. It may even force Florida and Texas to impose an income tax!
In the Senate version of the bill, states must expand their Medicaid eligibility to cover everyone with an income that is 133 percent of the poverty level.
The House bill brings it up to 150 percent. But a host of states have kept their state taxes low precisely by so limiting eligibility for Medicaid that it essentially is only for seniors needing long-term care and not for poor younger people who require acute care.
For example, Texas covers only those who make 27 percent of the poverty level or less. Florida covers only 55 percent. Pennsylvania covers only 36 percent. Arkansas covers only 17 percent. North Dakota covers only 62 percent. Nebraska covers only 58 percent. Louisiana covers only 26 percent. Indiana covers only 26 percent.
The revenue required to bring these states up to the 133 percent level in the Senate bill or the 150 percent level in the House would be enormous. Even California only covers up to 106 percent of the poverty level.
All states except for Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Wisconsin (plus the District of Columbia) will have to raise their eligibility for Medicaid under the Senate healthcare bill. And they will have to pay for part of the cost. Under the House bill, with a higher Medicaid eligibility standard, Massachusetts and Vermont would also have to pay more.
The Medicaid expansion provisions of the Senate bill are complex. In the first year of the program (2013), states must enroll anyone who earns less than 133 percent of the poverty level in their programs. For a family of four, the national average poverty level in 2009 is $22,000 a year. So any family that size that makes less than $29,000 would be eligible for Medicaid.
For the first three years of the program (2013-2015) the federal government would pay for all of the costs of the Medicaid expansion. But starting in the fourth year of operation -- 2016 -- states would be obliged to pay 10 percent of the extra cost.
While Obama has often spoken about how he won't raise taxes on the middle class, his healthcare legislation will require the governors to do so.
Particularly in those states with Democratic governors, it is easy to see how the backlash against these new taxes could fundamentally alter state politics.
The following table is a rough calculation of the cost each state will have to bear once it has to pick up 10 percent of the cost. These calculations are based on guidelines laid down for me by the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee. There has been no official data yet generated on how much the Senate or House provisions will cost the taxpayers in each state.
Alaska $39MMont. $29M
Ariz. $217M
Neb. $81M
Ark. $402MNev. $54M
Calif. $1,428M
N.H. $59M
Colo. $163M
N.M. $102M
Del. $35M
N.C. $599M
Fla. $909M
N.D. $14M
Ga. $495M
Ohio $399M
Hawaii $41M
Okla. $190M
Idaho $97M
Ore. $231M
Iowa $77M
Pa. $1,490M
Ind. $586M
S.C. $122M
Kan. $186M
S.D. $33M
Ky. $199M
Texas $2,749M
La. $432M
Utah $58M
Md. $194MVa. $601M
Mich. $570M
Wash. $311M
Miss. $136MW.Va. $132M
Mo. $836MWyo. $25M
These estimates were obtained by calculating the increase in Medicaid spending in each state to bring it up to the 133 percent level specified in the Senate bill. Then I applied the percentage of Medicaid spending in each state on acute care (mainly for the poor) as opposed to long-term care (mainly for the elderly). Finally, I took 10 percent of the increased state share of spending and listed it in the table above.
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sorriest Congress Ever

The House passes the " Health Bill" now we as United States Citizens are totally buried in
debt along with our children, grand children and their grand children,and farther down the line.

This sorry congress is not doing anything for the country, they are actually going against
the wishes of the people, and helping the president to destroy all that has been good in this country.

Health care is 1/7 of our economy, and it may not be the best that it could be, but it is better
than any other in the world. Now the government is going to run our health care, and they could'nt even get cash for clunkers right.

We have major problems in the US, and Health Care is not even close to being at the
10.2% unemployment, 120 banks have closed so far this year, and the Sorriest congress
worries about keeping the president happy.

This is the sorriest congress to ever sit on capitol hill.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We are still United States of America

Our flag, Red, White and Blue stands for our way of life, and has been earned. Freedom, our right to Free speech and the right bear arms has been bought and paid for by many brave men and women. This is not debateable, yet we have people in our top levels of government trying to take away what has been earned.

Taxes are paid by you and me to keep us out of harms way, and yet we tear down our defenses
and put the money that we pay, into programs that have nothing to do with our security.

There is not a time and place everything!

We are not socialists, and that is just one of the symptoms of getting closer to marxism.

Single payer anything from the government is going to take away your right to choose.
This is one of the rights that has been paid for with human lives.

The more I watch the news and see what is being left out and just plain not telling us,
is just bit perturbing.

Out of time this morning, but,
we are still the people who live in freedom, hopefully it stays that way.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Support Falling for Health Plan

The new polling numbers are out on Obamas' Health care plan, they are not looking good.

Starting with the approval numbers, (41%),the disapproval is 56% and growing, wonder
what the 3% that is missing think.

Now with 56% of the people disagreeing with the Health Plan, is the President going
to accuse all of them for being racist. Beings he was voted in by the people I think they
( the Dems) should rethink the name calling, and come to the conclusion that government
run Health Care is not wanted by the majority of the people.

The people voted him in, but are voting with their voices on the health care bill, saying
loud and clear, No Government Health care!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

President Obama on TV

On Tv last night I was seeing the President being interviewed about why he
was not stepping in to stop the investigations into the CIA interrogations, his
answer was he did not want to interfer with or step into this legal matter.

Now this does not make sense nor does it sound like the truth.

He is willing to buck 50% plus of the people on health care reform, but
unwilling to stop one mans vendetta investigation. This failure to protect
the ones that keep working to keep us Free from terrorism is going to
have a bad effect on this countries agents and our safety.

We are getting enough lies out of this administration, it would be
really refreshing just to get 10% truth.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Glen Becks View

Watching Glen Beck on Fox yesterday was inspirational, also the turnout for the
9/12 Tea Party was excellent.

Seeing the 9/12 tea party on TV most of the day, I did not see angry mobs, just people
from all walks of life getting off the living room couch and making their voices
heard. I don't believe I have ever seen such a gathering of people in several places
uniting in one voice about what they are worried about as far as which direction this country
the USA is taking.

Glen Beck on the other hand, in the 2nd 1/2 of his show was talking on the corruption in
our government.
This is probably going to fly like a wounded duck, beings he hit it right on the head
as far as I see it.
Well have to see how things progress from all that is being done and said,but
I believe we will be very hard pushed to find 56 people( thats how many signed our constitution) who are willing to take the country in the right direction.
for the people
by the people

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tea Party goes to Washington

http://THE912PROJECT.comAs the Tea Parties began on the 15 of April of 09, the President said he never
knew that this was going on. What is going to be his excuse this time?

Watching Fox News, I am seeing thousands of people at this Tea Party
that is going on today in Washington.

Before Today, this traveling Tea Party has been to 17 states, and 34 cities
giving a chance for the people to speak and be heard. Is congress listening?

These mobs as they are called are supposed to shutup and sit down, the
president will fix it.

1.38 TRILLION DOLLARS in national debt is not a fix, it is
a fast way to bankrupt our United Sates as we know it today.
That is where where we are today, then on top of all that, add
the goverment run health plan and insure 50 million more people
who do not have insurance.

Where is the MONEY coming From?

Higher TAXES.

for the People

by the people

Come on Congress, get your fingers out of your Ears.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Senator Kennedy was Powerful

The passing of the Senator has brought to light
like never before just how much pull he had. He seemed
to have it in all the right places, to get bills passed,
block nominations,and more.

He was for healthcare reform and has done his best
through the years to get more passsed.

Now, I do not aggree with this healthcare plan
coming out of the White House today. According
to the news I am not alone in disaggreeing with
this administration.

Do you think that with the passing of Senator Kennedy
that the left is going to try and use him as a reason to force
the issue. I Think So.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Way to Go Lou Dobbs

Yes, the media and the left wing want to
shut everybody up that asks questions or does
not agree with them. You,Lou Dobbs do not look bad nor
are you wrong in asking for real proof of birth. The
burden of proof is supposed to be on their shoulders.

As far as to the place of birth for Obama. it's
anybodies guess. Right now though, through his handling of the
recession, wanting a single payer health system, going over a
trillion dollars in national debt, I am wondering if he really
doesn't want to be President.

The Obama Charm is getting thin and we are
able to see through the facade.

This is getting to be serious business.

By the People, for the People.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Waiting For Health Treatment

I was watching the Hannity show last evening
and one of the people he had on, talked about
a video he has on the web.

He was raised in Canada, and went back
to video how much time it took to see a Dr
if you got hurt. The all around answer was,
2 to 10 hours. He waited 4 hours and gave up
without seeing a Dr.

Another story that comes out, is of a lady
that went in with a problem in one of her
legs. She had to wait a year for treatment,
and when she went back the problem had moved
into both legs, and both legs had to be removed.

This is not the kind of health care plan
that is good for anyone.

Let your Senator, congressman, whoever,
know that this health care plan is not
what we need.

Yes,we do need lower heath care costs,
but not at the expense of less quality
from the care givers.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Obamas Health Care Plan

The Health care plan that is being promoted
big time by the president is bogging down.
This is a good thing. This plan needs to
be looked over closely and picked apart, which
should not be hard to do. The cost of this health care
is going to cost us taxpayers trillions of dollars and the
money will have to come from higher taxes on just about
everything. But that is not the worst part.

If you work for a small company like I do, this health care
reform will cause them to shut their doors. It will be
very expensive for a local home business to supply health
insurance for its employees as will be required by law if
it were to come into effect. This bill could very effectively
break the backbone of our country which is small business.

If this were to pass, we won't even be able to
enjoy a meal out. There is a lot more to this
than we can see right off.

More to come on this bill.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Republicans Crossed the Isle

The clean energy bill passed the house with a
219 to 212 vote.

Eight republicans just had to bow or get on
their knees. They do not stand up for smaller
government and less taxes which must put them
somewhere in the middle. Straddling the fence
can be very uncomfortable.

All of the congress that voted for this
clean energy bill must have never been
in the working mans shoes.

This is a phony bill to say the least.
Man made scare tactic to create a reason
to charge more for something that we all
have to use.

Humans are not powerful enough to destroy
the universe. The only part of this world that we
can destroy is ourselves. We are doing that
on a daily basis. Look at the mess Iran is in.
Jobs going out of the US
is enough to raise the unemployment,and create
and uncertainty in our future.

Now with the help of congress how many more
jobs will be lost.
How about the people that already have lost their
source of income, how do they cope with the rising
cost of energy.

There is a time and place for most things,
this is not the right time for this bill.

People out of work, home foreclosures at
the highest rate in my 50+ years.

What are they thinking,and how is this going to
help the American people?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Energy Bill UP for Vote Friday

Now this is getting serious. I am not hearing alot
about the presidents Energy bill. Wonder why?

This Energy Bill is up for up vote Friday and
most of the news is about other things.

This bill is going to add 10% not .10 to your
electric bill, natural gas bill, what you pay at the pump
for your gasoline and diesel to run your vehicles.

I guess this is his latest answer to not taxing the
low income people. This is going to get very expensive
for all. Lets try to get this STOPPED.

Call or email your congressman.
You can
get the phone #s or email address of your
congressman if you google up
(congressman phone numbers).

We just do not need more TAXES.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sugar or Sin Tax which is it?

The presidents health care plan is going
to cost a lot of money,and we are going to pay for
it with more taxes.

He is going to tax pop, candy bars, ice cream,and more, all made
with sugar, to get money to pay for this health plan, along with
more tax on gas,tobacco, and alcohol.

As far as the foods go, I was thinking people
would just give up eating these
kind of foods to avoid the higher price, but I guess not.

The government is trying to tell you and me
what to eat, and if we eat the wrong things we
have to pay for it. This is not freedom to make
choices, this is punishment.

For the healthcare plan, do you honestly think that
you will have choices.

I personally do not want you to pay for my health
insurance through higher taxes,as I don't want to
pay for yours with higher taxes.

This story of not raising taxes on the poor has
really gone south. There are a lot more poor
than there are rich, and we all have the
habit of eating. Born with it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June is Gay pride month

This is going a little no alot to far. The
president proclaims June to be a gay pride

President Barack Obama is proclaiming June to be "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month."

"I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans," Obama says in the proclamation.

Is he sucking up or what, to the gay community.

I feel we are being over run with this gay thing.

It seems that I can't even turn on the tv and watch a show
without it being pushed in somewhere. I like the show Bones
and 24 and they both had to have at least one little piece
of gays in the show. WHY?

I don't care if you are gay, but I do not
want it in front of me day after day.
Sex life used to be kept in the bedroom,
now it is out there for everyone to see.

Adam and EVE
not Adam and steve

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Tax is this NEW

Got home from work last night just in time
to catch the last half of Lou Dobbs. The
first thing I saw was a headline about a
proposed 10% Federal sales TAX on everything we buy.

Is this amazing or what, politicians wanting more
of our hard earned dollars, and the dollar has been
down in the dumps now according to the currency converter.

This is not new politics,and if this is change,it's not.

Now how about some of the taxes we pay
on just some of the things I can think of.

We have property tax, tax on utilities,tax on
phone and tv,car tags,and lots of tax on gasoline, which
by the way is jumping up again.

In my state we have a income tax plus a sales tax,
and that adds up to 15% just for the state,now lets add
a federal 10% sales tax.

How is this going to effect the working stiff, or the unemployed?

As of April 09 the unemployment rate was 8.9%. Unemployment
benefits are to help you get by while you are looking for
another job and the monies will feed you,maybe pay the rent,
and buy gas for your car to look for work, and then, depending
on how much you made before being laid off, you have to pay state
and federal income taxes on your benefits. Now 10% more of that small
amount of income will be used for TAX.

This is ging to HURT a lot of people.

More to come.