Monday, September 17, 2012

No Spending No Healthcare THANKYOU

     Well folks this is just about the easiest election to know who to vote for. I know and You know to, that we can not afford another four years. 
           This spending has to STOP, there is no way we can even pay the amount of interest that is adding to our debt daily. Your kids, My kids, are going to be stuck with this bill, not counting grand kids and great grand kids.

 It looks real bad for our healthcare system as of right now. My children and my grandchildren and yours will not be getting the same quality care as we have enjoyed through the years. IT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE, IF we reelect who we have today. There are lots of promises about this Obama care and how it will be affordable for everyone.I guess if you do not work for a living than it might be affordable for that person. But that is not you or I. They {IRS} are going to be in charge and we are being forced to pay, and then no benefit until 2014.
        If I could afford Health Insurance I would already have it, how about you?
           This Health insurance that is available to me through my work would
    cost me 1500 dollars a month after the job paid their share of mine and I put my Wife
   on the plan to. Man, if I had that much extra a month I would feel rich..

                                        A link to look at for this fiasco

      Let us pray for better days to come, because we can not see for the hole we are in and it is just getting deeper.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

We Need a Change

   I have not posted on this blog for a while, almost 2 years  it looks like. I guess I have been waitng for some of that Hope, cause the changes I have seen, have not been good.
    We got  healthcare forced on us, and he had to rob medicare of 716 billion dollars
 to help pay for it. I have heard same as you, lots of numbers on how much this is really going to cost, but nothing concrete.

    The Employment numbers of this President are very poor. He got how many billions for the stimulas package that did not get unemployment below 8%.
      There are so many things going on behind the scene of this most transparent{ha ha}Whitehouse,. that there is not a person in that office deserving of our trust. You know what
some of those things are, Fast and Furious is just one of many.

      I am in my 50s and have had several jobs. I enjoy working for a living, but I also want paid. I have never been paid by a poor person.WEll that is not the exact truth, back in 1982 I got hired and paid by a poor person, but the paychecks bounced,that was not a fun time. I'd just as soon a rich person hire me then my paychecks can actually get in the bank.

The rich I am not jealous of, for without them we poor would be going hungry.

  I'm just guessing here, but I think a change is needed.
    Let's Give Romney and Ryan a chance.