Sunday, September 22, 2013

Disgusted at What is Happeneng!!!

Hi folks,
   I have not been writing on this blog simply because
 I cannot believe what I have been reading.
   Two things today, obamacare and the minimum wage.
 It sounds and looks like there are a lot of people that the
obamacare was supposed to help is actually hurting them, from
losing hours at work, 40hrs-29hrs, that hurts and then these
insurance companies that are dropping coverage and charging more.
This will cost people that have had insurance not to have or
will have to pay for it out of their own pocket, in any sense
this is not good and for some it means less food on the table.

    The raise of the minimum wage which the government should
 have nothing to do with in the first place will do almost the same to people
as obamacare.
    What I see happening is layoffs in the work place to lower overhead
expenses, hours cut, and smaller places of business closing, all due to higher
   Just the other day I bought a Hamburger, fries and a milkshake, cost me 13.00,
that will not happen very often to me again, and that is how other people will feel to.

Well maybe just a little on a third thing, the condition of our government or are we
a police state already or just getting there.
    Here  is a Link.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Is He Laughing at US ???

   Here it is, this what you can do. 
     You can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time.

   Looks to me like he is not trying to hard to fool anyone anymore but telling our cowardly
 congress, just try to do something about my actions or non actions as in the Bengazi case.

     We have people stepping up to the plate telling  of the fraud in office, and nothing gets done, and
the scams get even bigger.
     Nothing, I believe, is going to get us back to the way we were before Obama took office and the longer he is in the White House the more liberties we will lose and have no one to blame but ourselves.

   Folks, this is getting out of hand, and he is setting up  there on his high horse laughing.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Does Anyone Here Know Anything

      This is getting almost embarrassing for us here in these United States. We had the President come out and tell us, he had not heard of the IRS targeting anyone till he heard it on the news.
       I thought the President was the head honcho and nothing got by him, but he knows nothing about it except from the news.  Who is in charge Here? Where is our fearless leader in these times, not in the know we can see that, or IS HE. Who benefited from this fiasco? Who ignored the laws on this practice?

     How about a little on Bengazi. I understand that he was told and updated at the same time
 on what was going on and then he still did fund raising the next day after doing nothing to save our people over there.( I don't wanna say he went up and took a nap.)
    People cared so little that 4 died, while working over there in Bengazi, protecting or serving our
 interests that no stink was raised.
   Who would have guessed, that leave no one behind became null and void once this president took office.
     This is like a bad TV show with no real plot, except we have real people that died.  This war against terror is no game, and is being handled badly. We don't need to apologize or make amends
for being the Best, and while we are still the best we need to get something done.
    The rights our fighting men have fought and died for, are leaving us daily. An unarmed man is easy to control or push around, that what all this gun control is leading up to. Lots more to come, just not today.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Can We Have Another Scandal Please??

     What a tough last couple of weeks for the administration, and that is how it should be. Just a week
 a week ago the story broke on how the phones records of the AP had been obtained by the DOJ.
       IRS is now a good sized scandal with it targeting Tea Party people and more, and then admitting to doing just that , and then saying, we're sorry. ( Forgiveness is easier to get than permission.) I can,t
understand why the pres would use the word IF when talking about this particular scandal when it has already been admitted to. " When an IRS official admitted for the first time — after high-level officials had denied it for years — that the agency singled out groups that had the words “Tea Party” or “Patriots” in their name for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status".

     Bengazi inquiry is just getting rolling good and I am wondering do we have a leader at all. The President again claims to know nothing about Bengazi or to let on that he knew and did nothing to help those four that died.

      All of this leads to the top, not to some peon doing this on his or her own. Has to be a very high official to give a stand down order, and I am sure, The IRS underlings did not produce their own lists of people to give negative results and more to on their own, and getting those phone records was not done by some patrol officer.

   This is starting to look like a real snowball. What else, do we not know about???

Monday, May 6, 2013

Are You Going to listen to Them Liars??

  I gotta be honest here,I did not listen to the whole speech Obama
   made to the graduates at Ohio State.
    What I did hear was not something that should have even been brought
 up in a speech to college students. We have enough people in our schools
  telling our young people how they are supposed to think, rather than our kids
discovering for themselves what they think and feel about different situations and
laws, and then Obama has to put his .02 in.
      I thought graduate speeches were supposed to support the young and give them
hope for the future.
  What I heard was, listen to ME, no one knows more than I do, I'm right they are wrong,
 trust me. I guess it is the 4th biggest lie,( just trust me).

    He tells the young people to not listen to the right who want smaller more accountable
 government, that this big government thing is not a sham.
     Who is he trying to convince?
    Why does anyone need convincing?
       If this was true we would back him and he would not have to explain
  this, he could just run with it.

     In the last 100 days he can't even get his own party behind him. I'm just
  guessing here, but I'm thinking they don't wanna be unemployed.
  Talking about the unemployed, who would hire Jay Carney, Susan Rice, even
 Hilary Clinton, this is the next biggest batch of liars next to the Liar and Chief.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Is this a Disaster or What????

We got the great news the other day that unemployment is down to 7.5%, Really.  I just do not believe that 165,000 jobs is going to make that big of a difference in our employment rate.
    We have several million people dropping out of the work force and more that have just given up
on finding a job.    This is just one train wreck.

   What about the promise of not raising taxes on us poor people, just on the wealthy. Can't figure out
that poor people smoke to, because that was first tax that was raised.
   Taxes are going to go through the roof for all because we cannot support all the free programs coming out of this administration, just another train wreck.

Do we want to talk health care?
    This is already a train wreck and we have 7 months more or less, and we have to have insurance or get fined for not having insurance. I was employed by a trucking outfit in the oilfield and the cost of the insuance through them was way more than I could afford and I was working 70 plus hrs a week.

    Don't know how I am going to afford it now just because it is required, and just about 13 months ago I had a heart attack and will be paying for that until the next one.

Fast & Furious
Birth Certificate
and lots more are all just wrecks snd I am sure we will see more.