Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sorriest Congress Ever

The House passes the " Health Bill" now we as United States Citizens are totally buried in
debt along with our children, grand children and their grand children,and farther down the line.

This sorry congress is not doing anything for the country, they are actually going against
the wishes of the people, and helping the president to destroy all that has been good in this country.

Health care is 1/7 of our economy, and it may not be the best that it could be, but it is better
than any other in the world. Now the government is going to run our health care, and they could'nt even get cash for clunkers right.

We have major problems in the US, and Health Care is not even close to being at the
10.2% unemployment, 120 banks have closed so far this year, and the Sorriest congress
worries about keeping the president happy.

This is the sorriest congress to ever sit on capitol hill.