Thursday, December 24, 2009

Healthcare Bill/Bah humbug

The Senate fudged up 60 votes with a couple of independants going in
on the deal,wonder what they got in return.

Now they have to merge the bill that is in congress and the one that
is in the senate together for signing.

How are WE going to Pay for this monstrosity?

I am personally working very short hours due to lack of work.
20 people employed where I work,18 of the 20 laid off.

I am thinking there might be a lot of work coming up due to the people
like me, or who are drawing unemployment, won't be able to pay for this bill or the
fine for not accepting this insurance.
They will not have enough jail space for all of us.
So we will have to build more jails.

Senators must not care if we eat or have a roof over our head,but by
George we are going to have healthcare no matter who suffers.

I do not want you or anyone else to pay for my flipping insurance,
and I want to have all the choices I have always had.
Someone or something telling me what I can or can not have, just
pushes me in the opposite direction.

I am gonna quit now , cause I am through being nice.

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